BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-//Telerik Inc.//Sitefinity CMS 11.0//EN BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Central Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20201102T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=11 TZNAME:Central Standard Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20200301T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=2SU;BYHOUR=2;BYMINUTE=0;BYMONTH=3 TZNAME:Central Daylight Time TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:In this webinar\, Dr. Marci Rockey\, assistant director for com munity college relations and research at OCCRL\, will highlight major issu es impacting college access for rural students at the national level and i n the context of South Carolina. Community and technical colleges play an integral role in expanding access and workforce opportunity for rural stud ents nationwide. The webinar will highlight the ways in which these instit utions can work to alleviate barriers facing rural student populations. \n Dr. Rockey will also share relevant resources to support faculty and staff efforts to advance equity in the South Carolina Technical College System. \nContact Emily Fox at to register.\n \;\nSpons ored by the \;South Carolina Technical College System. DTEND:20201117T203000Z DTSTAMP:20210611T161254Z DTSTART:20201117T193000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Advancing Support for Rural Students in South Carolina Through the Technical College System UID:RFCALITEM637590067745569662 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

In this webinar\, Dr. Marci Rockey\, assist ant director for community college relations and research at OCCRL\, will highlight major issues impacting college access for rural students at the national level and in the context of South Carolina. Community and technic al colleges play an integral role in expanding access and workforce opport unity for rural students nationwide. The webinar will highlight the ways i n which these institutions can work to alleviate barriers facing rural stu dent populations.


Dr. Rockey will also share relevant resources t o support faculty and staff efforts to advance equity in the South Carolin a Technical College System.


Contact Emily Fox at to register.


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Sponsored by the \;South Carolina Technical College System .