Voices and Viewpoints

Upskill America: ED launches the Career Pathways Exchange!

by OCCRL / Oct 9, 2014

A storm of activity is occurring after the WIOA passage and the release of the Vice President’s Ready to Work: Job-Driven Training and American Opportunity report, making the national effort to advance career pathways more important than ever.

The Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL) was recently selected by the U.S. Department of Education as a partner in its new three-year career pathways initiative: Moving Pathways Forward: Supporting Career Pathways Integration. Throughout the next two years, we will contribute to the project’s free information service—the Career Pathways Exchange – to distribute evidence-based information on career pathways associated with Pathways to Results, the Pathways Resource Center, and the Transformative Change Initiative and other projects led by OCCRL researchers and staff.

Launching in October, the Exchange consolidates and distributes career pathways-related resources, events, and information from federal and state agencies and partner organizations. Subscribers can select to receive email digests on their topics of interest, including: Building Cross-Agency Partnerships, Identifying Industry Sectors and Engaging Employers, Designing Education and Training Programs, Identifying Funding Needs and Sources, Aligning Policies and Programs, and Measuring System Change and Performance.

For continued information about OCCRL’s participation in this nationwide federal initiative, please check out our website at occrl.illinois.edu.  Also, be sure to find and follow the Exchange on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to stay current on all the latest career pathways events and resources, as well as adult education and WIOA updates on the go!

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